Electronic certification of beneficial ownership and owners
I want to certify my beneficial ownership
How does the certification work?
Step 1: You put in CERTIFIX data and evidence on beneficial ownership and get them confirmed by your beneficial owner.
Step 2: CERTIFIX verifies the disclosure of beneficial ownership and sends you within days your TransparencyID.
Why do I have to certify?
Because institutions and laws require an accurate disclosure of beneficial ownership and beneficial owners. TransparencyID is the certification of such accuracy.
Advantages of certification
- Through certification you fulfil legal requirements
- Certify once for all public and financial institutions
- Certify at once all legal persons in the ownership structure (the group)
CERTIFIX© is a unique software programme certifying the current and accurate disclosure of ownership structures up to in accordance with the law. More about CERTIFIX©
I want to
test how to make a disclosure of beneficial ownership structure in CERTIFIX for FREE
view a NON-certified beneficial ownership structure for FREE